Thursday, July 19, 2007

Last day of school!

For a few weeks. Actually, I go back to work Sunday, but this is the last time my school will see me until August 29.

While this would be considered the end of the school year for American and western schools, it's merely a break for the Korean kids.

For them the school year begins in March.

For me, on Sunday I go to English camp in an undisclosed secure location. (I know they aren't funny anymore, but I still love Dick Cheney in hiding references.)

From Sunday, July 22, to August 2, I will teach at the Engerishee camp for a little extra scratch and vacation time.

Then on August 5, 6, or 7, I might head of for a trip to another location, yet to be announced, but definitely undisclosed and secure.

Whatever trip that is, I will be back August 14 or 15, to get ready for my trip back to America August 17.

It sure will be neat being back in the states. I can't wait to see the old gang: Ralph Malf, Potzi, the Fonz.


Anonymous said...

No James...they weren't all happy days!

Anonymous said...

Okay, been way too long since your last post....what's you? You in China buying a 5-year old boy or something?