Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Goddamn germ carrying walking cesspools ...

That's what I thought last week as I battled with a cold.

Most all of my English teaching colleagues have gotten sick in the last month since we began our jobs. It just comes with the turf spending days in class rooms with 30 to 35 children.

Children are dirty creatures, they really are.

I've gotten so afraid of the germs I had a Howard Hughes moment last week. I saw the children coughing in class. Several at a time. As they coughed I visualized the germs and bacteria spreading through the air to each child and trying to make its way to me.

Dirty little bastards.

I feel better now though, thanks to the fact that I've transformed my apartment into a germ free zone, complete with tissue boxes for slippers, duct tape sealing my doors and bottles of my own urine.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better and back to the old storing of urine.

Anonymous said...

Happy Good Friday. I love celebrating the day when my people killed your Lord. Granted, you guys got us back with the whole holocaust thing....but don't worry, we're just planning our retaliation for that one!

Anonymous said...

I was just gonna bitch about this. Damn kids are just roving piles of filth and disease.

Cute, yes, but wretched. I'm pretty sure it was the Korean kids I tutor who got me sick this week.

The doctor at Yonsei wouldn't even bother checking ESL teachers for anything, just called it "child bacteria" and handed you some antibiotics.

Oh, and if you're in any way worried about germs, might as well get a refund on that China flight.