Monday, November 19, 2007

Where have I been and what does my name mean?

Well folks, we've had a little problem in the Korean Government lately. Apparantly the Serfs we're learning how to blog, so the Korean government shut down access to blogspot on governernment computers. Since I work for the public school system, mine is one of them. 
I'm trying to figure out a way to post from school, since I don't care to write at home. But since the television writers' strike has shut or is shutting down many of my favorite shows, I might have less time to idley kill in my apartment.
I'm attempting to post this by e-mailing it to my blog. Wish me luck
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It was a question from one of my co-workers. A legitimate one, considering most Korean names have direct translations and meanings.

People here can point to their name and say, "It means ..." All of their names, and they have three of them, mean something that's directly translated.  
So when they asked me, "What does your name mean?" I was, for the first time in my life, speechless. I thought it meant James. I even had to Altavista my name.
Then it came up. "James is Hebrew for Supplanter." Then I was left with the task of explaining what, "supplanter" means. 
"It basically means you change something and offer something else in it's place. Like salt substitute (which they don't have here) or food additives."
Yes. that is me. I am a cheap substitute.  I should have never looked my name up 



Anonymous said...

God Damn South Korean Government!! They can't take my James away from me. Tell me who you need "taken care of" and I'll see if I have any friends north of the border who can help.

Supplanter, LOL, that sucks. And a Hebrew name at that....huh, wouldn't think anything Hebrew would be caught dead in Palmdale.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, supplanter. I remember when you supplanted mostly clean air with your own specific brand of aroma (aka, dirty air)Wish me a happy birthday.


James said...

Keller, it's that kind of comment that gets blogs shut down.

And yes, Dennis, Happy Birthday, especially since you smelled my odors and plenty of other worse ones (they were worse, weren't they).

Anonymous said...

Look, if they aren't going to throw me in jail for all the other stuff, something tells me I'm fine with that comment, LOL

rach said...

At least your name doesn't mean female sheep... (I try to keep it quiet)