Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I can't stop sweating ...

No I haven't been watching the Directors cut DVD of "Driving Miss Daisy" (Damn, Jessica Tandy was hot in that.)

It's summer on the peninsula and that means monsoon season. From now until the end of July, it will rain every two to three days as the temperature increases from the high 80s into the mid-90s.

It's so miserable weather wise. I can't do anything without sweating like a pig. I walk outside, and BAM!, there it is.

The heat and humidity themselves don't bother me, but their byproduct, sweat, does. Coming from the Desert, I am no stranger to heat. But this humidity is nasty. Oh people if only you could put your hand through the computer screen and place them under my arm to feel the moisture. And those of you from the USC Debate club know there's more moisture than from another person.

Oh the humanity.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world. You make fun of us Southerners, but you couldn't last one week here in the Carolinas during the summer. I don't care if you come from the desert or not, humidity is the worst.

Shade won't even help break the heat.

Enjoy it.


Ste said...

Way too much information mate, way too much.