I was hesitant to seek this topic out, being a dog lover, but oh too curious not to ask Koreans about dog meat.
As many people have inquired through comments and questions on this blog and through e-mail, I went and found answers. The things I do for you people.
Dog meat is popular here. Oh yes it is. It's not just a North Korean thing but a Korean thing. And it's odd because it's not something you come across everyday. It would be almost impossible to "accidentally" eat dog meat. First, because it's regarded as a delicacy and only served in seasons. Second because Koreans don't just come out with the fact that they love chomping on man's best friend.
But, I've been diplomatic about it. After all, I didn't feel comfortable just arriving off the plane and asking, "Where's Rover? I'm starving."
No, Koreans are very aware of what Westerners think about dog meat, partly thanks to the bang up Korean media (these guys [media outlets] really suck.)

It all started a few weeks ago in an English conversation class I have every Friday with teachers. We have a "anything goes" policy implemented by me that anyone may ask any question and the only person who has veto power is me. (OK, this isn't a formal rule, but what can I say, I enforce it regularly.)
We were discussing travel and what bizarre things we've eaten as a result. I mentioned kokorech, a delightful Turkish sandwich made of sheep's intestines. (It was one of my favorite Turkish foods.)
Then they asked me, "Will you eat dog?"
I've read an seen pictures about how horribly the dogs are treated before and when they die. (If you want to find out more about it just google it, I'm not doing all your research for you.)
But there's something in my mind and heart that knows I can't live in Korea without having tried dog meat. It would be damn near criminal of me.
So I answered very honestly, that I will try it at least once. (Maybe twice if I am allowed seconds.
Boshintang, which is the Korean word for a special dog soup, became the topic of conversation. It's rare that women like it or have even tried it. The five women in my conversation class had never tried boshintang.
But for men, it's wildly popular. They believe that eating the dog meat gives a man sexual health. (No joke.)
I've even heard some men comment that it's their favorite meat.
No I have to try it. Maybe it will be "mashita" (Korean for delicious.) Plus, words gotten around that I want to try boshintang, and there are Koreans lining up to take me out.
Dog season takes place in the summer, and with June almost at a halfway point, it's almost a guarantee that I will try it soon.
Now here's the fun part for you. Let's get a betting pool together about when I will try dog. We've got from June 9 through, let's say, August 2. Everyone who wants to play can paypal me a buck for a date. Purchase as many dates as you please. The winner, (Price is Right Rules of closest without going over) wins the money in the pool minus a 20 percent administrative fee.
Good luck!
DUDE, WTF!! When I suggested the topic I didn't mean that you should eat a freaking dog!! Don't do it man. When you return home every time you see a dog you'll remember that you ate one. It's not worth it for the story, don't do it. That's just wrong. If you do that I'll have to correct it so it's right with the world, and God only know what I'll do.
I've said it for years: Animals are for eating, not for living with.
Eating dog is one thing I missed during my month in Korea, along with eating live octopus. Make it happen. Can't be any worse than the pig intestines I ate last week.
OK Jeff, I'll eat a dog, you eat a Korean.
I've had pig intestines here a few times, they're pretty good. We Americans seem to waste the good parts of the animal, or just grind them up and make hot dogs.
I say August 1st and I'm pushing!!
You need a story for the wedding
James, how could you think I would do something like that. Kill a Korean, never. I'm not a monster. Now....I might find a Korean kid, do ungodly things to them, tramatize them beyond belief, and then let that fester for about a decade until they explode onto the populus, ala VT sytle.
What in the wild wild world of sports is going on here?
JLo - dont do it.
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