A big I'm sorry to Rod and Jeff, my loyal and obsessive readers, for being gone. Here's what happened since my last post:
Went to Nam.
Got back from Nam.
Did NOT receive a parade.
Marissa left for back home. (Her contract finished and mine doesn't finish until February.)
Picked up a teachers training program that means extra money, but also 12 hour days three days a week.
OK now you're officially caught up on my life. Pretty amazing, huh? Old people who sit on benches at the mall have more interesting things to write about than I do.
However, I can not fathom being removed from Rod's favorites list. In fact, I am disgusted with myself I allowed this blog to drop a few notches.
Now, back to life in Korea. More coming later. For right now, enjoy some random images (with captions Al.)
Korea has tons of theme bars. This one is a tent them where you sit in a, yes, you guessed it, tent. To my right is my friend Paul from New Zealand and to my right, some Korean guy whose name I never remembered so I couldn't have forgotten it. TOTH to Matt.
Out one night in a unversity area, and we saw this dude in a beer costume. This is very common here. In any given area of Korea, you will see costumed things like this walking around every weekend. So my friends and I took a picture with it. Then I decided to hump it. What are you gonna do? (TOTH to Matt for the pic from Facebook.)
Thanks for the captions. I'd hate to think what I would've come up with for the beer costume one!
Looks like your having fun!
Glad you're back...DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!!!!
*sigh of relief*
now that hits the spot...
hangin' with Lu this weekend...my liver will never be the same
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