Sunday, February 3, 2008

Who I WOULD HAVE voted for ...

had the Republicans let me vote.

Then again, when I received my ballot, I would have voted for Rudy Giulliani. But that ship has sailed.

So who would I vote for if I were in the booth Tuesday, for Super Duper Extreme Mega Tuesday ... McCain. Even though I hate his stance on immigration, he's going to win the nomination and he's the least scary of the other three dudes.

Mitt Romney was a cool governor of Massachusetts because he didn't give a damn about how people live their social lives. He flip flopped and tried to make himself conservative overnight, which is worse than the militant conservatives who genuinely believe it.

I was impressed by Mike Huckabee's performance in the debates and on talk shows, but then I heard a clip from a speech given to other religious whackjobs.

Huckabee said, "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view."

OK. Now we're done.

And Ron Paul has been great. He has integrity and doesn't mind calling it like it is. But he's also a little crazy.

So I'm left with McCain, who will win anyway.

Now, I normally don't vote for Democrats unless they are Horton Scioneaux (a kamikaze candidate who ran for California State Assembly against Sharon Runner in 2004.)

But this time, there's a Democrat I kind of like. Barack Obama.

The politics of failure have failed. It's that simple.

For one, he smokes.

But he has a good message, he's upbeat and it's a change. America needs some change right now. Obama could be much like Ronald Reagan in 1980, coming in with a positive attitude to fix things. Will he be as great as Reagan? No, absolutely not.

But America is not in good shape right now. The economy is tanking, worldwide hatred of America is at an all time high and it's time for a younger voice to get in and shake things up.

But I could stomach him, which is more than I can say for Hillary Clinton.

Democrats listen to me. This is yours to win, but you have to listen to me. There are a lot of Republican and independent voters out there like me, who will vote for Obama. There are a fewer, if any, who will feel energized at all to vote for Clinton. If you nominate Hillary, you can blow what should be an easy win. You will have the right energized and ready to fight. They hate the Clintons and they especially hate Hillary. It will get them knocking on doors, writing checks and voting on election day.

Now, My Super Duper Mega Extreme Tuesday predictions:
Obama and Clinton will take about half and half. Clinton will be hurt by California not being Winner Take All.

McCain walks away the clear winner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic that Super Tuesday and Fat Tuesday fall on the same day. Email me please.
