Yes, that's a knee brace.
Yes, I'm injured.
The embarrassing incident took place two weeks ago when I fell in the bathroom. Yes, I fell in the bathroom. Go ahead, laugh crack all the jokes you want.
See all the bathrooms here in Korea have a drain at the sink and the floors are all tile and get very wet. The floor is sloped toward the drain so the bathroom dries out within an hour or so.
But it get slippery, and despite numerous close calls, I landed on my left knee in the bathroom.
Nothing was broken but there were partial tendon tears in my knee. I'm getting better now and no longer need my crutch for walking.
Suffice to say it's been an interesting few weeks for Marissa and I.
The knee story will come in more installments, including the hospital visit, handicapped access and will finish off at the end of the week with the Foreigner Special Olympics.
Don't lie to protect them James! A knee injury in a nation of short people...they attacked you, didn't they. Fight back against them...just smack them around a bit. Remember, you're white and can take them.
Dude you look like a midget in that picture. I know you're in Korea and trying to fit in but good lord.
--Old Man Macfadden
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