Friday, May 23, 2008

Big News

Well folks I haven't written in a while.

And I'd like to say it's because I was having SO MANY wacky adventures that there was just no time.

It's been the opposite.

I've been working a few after school programs and am pretty busy these days with mundane teaching stuff.

Other than that it's been the usual stuff going out to dinner at that one Korean restaurant and general day to day living.

But alas, the big news.

I'm getting married.

I asked Marrisa and she said yes. Well, at first she said "maybe," and then she said, "OK". I would have
rather she used the word, "yes," but marriage is one of those things that requires men to constantly settle for
OK when you want a yes. So I figure I'm already on top of things.

I'm also getting really good at just nodding my head and replying with grunts, indicating I'm listening.
I think I'm going to be an excellent husband.

We've been engaged for a month now and so far so good.

I want to get married Dick Cheney post 9/11 style in a secure undisclosed location. But we'll see about that.
