Yes, this could kill you. At least that's what Koreans believe.
Many Koreans believe if you leave a fan on in the room while you sleep, it could both lower your body temperature or suck the oxygen out of the room.
No, I'm not joking.
Many intelligent people here, including teachers, doctors and nurses, believe sleeping with the fan on is "dangerous."
Unfortunately, now would be the time I posted a link showing one of a handful of news articles that pops up in the Korean press. Except there's one problem: all of the articles are in Korean.
This is one thing that pisses me off. Yes, I laugh at these people on a regular basis for this, and try to explain that it doesn't exist. So the Korean media, which has several English outlets, doesn't translate any of their fan death stories.
I get the second-hand stories from co-workers who tell me they either read about it or see it on television.
But then I get angrier, when I realize the Koreans invited me here to their country so I can teach their children English and better equip them for life in a global marketplace, but don't give a damn if I die from leaving my fan on all night. Thick bastards.
I suspect there are plenty of you who do not believe a damn word of this, so I will provide the following links to peruse:
A site dedicated to fan death, appropriately named,
this from Wikipedia. Yeah I know, it's wikipedia, but it's the best we can do right now.
When I find an English article you people will be the first to read it.
Until then, I'm gambling with my life as the fan blows in my closed apartment.